August is steaming hot. Let’s celebrate the special pet days and weeks in August for a little relief.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month.
This a great time to be sure our pets’ shots are up to date and to consult the the veterinarian about titers.
Special Pet Days and Weeks in August
August 3 – 9 International Assistance Dog Week
August 15 National Check the Chip Day
August 15 International Homeless Animals Day
August 22 National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
August 26 National Dog Day
Assistance dogs provide a necessary service for children in schools, wounded warriors and folks with hearing or vision impairments. Without these highly trained dogs, the lives of many people would be barren and bleak. Micro chipping our pets is a great way to improve the chances of a lost or stolen dog being returned home. That helps to reduce the likelihood of more homeless animals.
Cats are not known for liking to travel. Consider leaving your cat’s carrier out so she can go in and out of it at will. that will make her trips to the vet a lot less traumatic. You may also want to consider using a vet office that has separate entrances for cats and dogs or seeking the services of a mobile vet.
So, let’s enjoy the dog days of summer.

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