Pet First Aid Class Available in Mooresville on February 28

Billy Harwell Certified to Teach Pet Tech Pet First Aid and CPR Classes

Have you ever wondered what the “More” is in our business name?  When we were brainstorming what to name our business we purposely made allowances for expansion. Hence the “More” in our name. On February 28 you will see one of the multiple reasons for “More” when Billy begins offering pet first aid classes. Both of us were trained by Pet Tech, Inc. in pet first aid and CPR last October. Billy’s background with first aid and CPR with humans has easily transferred to pet first aid and CPR.

In January Billy achieved a significant professional goal after attending a three day training course for Pet Tech Instructors.  Pet Tech is an international organization whose mission is “Improving the quality of pets’ lives, one pet parent at a time.”  Pet Tech is the premiere organization offering information and training in Pet CPR, First Aid & Pet Care.  Check out the web site at for full information.

Billy successfully completed the Pet Tech Instructor Training program in January, 2015 and is qualified to teach the Pet Tech family of programs.  The 8-hour PetSaver™ class includes the skills and information necessary to prepare the pet owner in the unfortunate event of a medical emergency involving their pet.  Some of the topics highlighted in the class include:  CPR, Rescue Breathing, Shock Management, Bleeding, Injury Assessment, Heat Injuries, Cold Injuries, dental care and senior care.  These skills are essential for dog and cat groomers, dog walkers and pet sitters too. Billy now offers Pet Tech’s pet first aid and care classes for pet owners:  PetSaver™, First Aid & Care For Your Pets™ and Knowing Your Pet’s Health™”.

Class is Completed!

Class is Completed!


Why Take a Pet First Aid Course?

An important part of being a caring, conscientious, responsible and loving pet owner is knowing the life saving skills of pet first aid and care.  Your pets, just like children are at greater risk of death or injury from preventable accidents than any other reason.  Taking the correct and proper actions can significantly increase the chances of survival and reduce the extent of injury to your pet, before transporting them to your veterinarian.  The PetSaver™ Class is designed to help pet parents keep their pets happy and healthy. Additionally, each student receives a copy of Pet Tech’s PetSaver handbook, an emergency muzzle and a certificate valid for two years. Your registration fee also includes lunch.

Classes are scheduled for February 28, 2015 and March 21, 2015. For more information call Billy Harwell at Dog Walkers & More at Coddle Creek, LLC (704-662-0973).  For those of you that have used our pet sitting, dog walking or pet taxi services, we offer a significant discount on the fee.  You may call us to register.

If you are new to our services you may sign up for the February 28 class here. You may sign up for the March 21 class here.


CPR for dog

CPR for dog






I Love FaceBook Pet Pages

I Love Facebook Pet Pages

Today, I am stepping out of the role of business owner and stepping into the role of human being. One of the ways I relax is playing around on Facebook.  I am obsessed with cute pet pages.  I follow a wide assortment of them. Most are puppy mill survivors and 2nd up are pages from dogs that have been rescued via some other rescue organization.

I don’t remember how I first came across National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR), but am so glad I did.  Reading those stories and seeing those pictures ignited my passion for the plight of dogs kept for the purpose of breeding.  I had no idea of the awful conditions the breeder dogs were kept in.  Nor did I realize the role the Amish play in this despicable “puppy farming” practice.  National Mill Dog Rescue has an extensive Facebook page that provides education on all aspects.

Anyone who spends much time on Facebook or any other social media pages is sure to know there are lots of heartbreaking stories. When the topic is pets, emotions can often be quite intense.  Sometimes the humans behind the pet pages become quite involved in drama. When that happens, I just have to back away.  Those are the times I’m not so certain that I love Facebook Pet Pages.

Happily, there are numerous wonderful Facebook Pet Pages that have found the just right combination of keeping it real, providing education and also spreading joy.  In fact there are so many positive FaceBook pet pages that we would be here all night if I blogged about all of them.

Tonight I want to focus on two such pages that are experiencing hard times and could use our financial help and prayers.

 How They Are Linked

Harley is a puppy mill survivor who was adopted by Dan and Rudi Taylor.  Dan and Rudi own two small businesses in Berthoud, Colorado. Dan and Rudi do an incredible amount of volunteer work rescuing dogs on behalf of NMDR. Harley’s Facebook page is an inspiration.  Dan and Rudi’s love  for Harley and his fursibs is tangible. I learned from Harley that mill dogs live in wire cages and never get out.  The puppy mill owners hose down the cages with firehoses to clean the cages without taking the breeder dogs out.  That’s how Harley lost an eye.


In addition to their rescue work, Dan and Rudi foster a lot of dogs for NMDR.  Sunshine was one of those dogs. Sunshine was adopted by a lovely family in Michigan and is now known as Princess Ava Bisou.  Ava has a sister named Mia Bryant Beddard. Mia and Ava bring joy and laughter to thousands of people every day.  Their humans have big hearts and do a great deal to raise awareness about the plight of senior dogs that are dumped and about puppy mill breeder dogs. Their humans are the epitome of family.  Their daddy is self employed in a small business he owns.

Princess Ava Bisou

Princess Ava Bisou



Mia Bryant Beddard

Mia Bryant Beddard


Why I Feel Connected

  • First of all because they are both such genuinely nice families.
  • They have “spoken” to me for quite a long time.
  • I am a retired social worker and know that these are the kind of people our world needs more of.
  • Both these families are small business owners.
  • I grew up in a farm family.  You can’t get more small family owned business than that.  My paternal grandfather set out the first apple orchard in Lincoln County, NC.  My father and uncle followed in my grandfather’s footsteps. I remember the lean years.
  • My husband’s maternal grandfather was a self employed plumber.  Again, small business. My husband’s parents started and operated a small independent finance company.  Billy also remembers the lean years.

OK, so those are the purely simple reasons.  But it gets much more personal than that.  I am a cancer survivor.  When you read the story about Mia and Princess Ava’s humans you will see the connection.  And, on July 4, 2000 my beloved Daddy took his own life.  When you read the story about Dan and Rudi’s oldest daughter you will understand.

Friends of Dan and Rudi have set up a YouCaring Fund for their son in law and grandchildren. I have set up a YouCaring Fund for Ava and Mia’s humans.  I urge you to visit the links and give prayerful consideration to helping these two families in their times of need.  I also ask for prayers for God’s healing grace, mercy and peace for these two families.  Thank you for your consideration.

Helping Princess Ava Bisou and Mia Bryant Beddard

Here is what I had to say about Princess Ava and Mia’s humans.


Ava and Mia do so much for others and now they are in need. I love this family for so many reasons: 1. They are always positive. 2. They consistently advocate for adoption of seniors and eradication of puppy mills. 3. They don’t get caught up in FaceBook pet page drama. 4. They are kind. 5. They share information appropriately. 6. They value family.

As many of you know, their Daddy is self- employed. Their Mommy is a long time cancer survivor. And recently their Daddy had very serious surgery for cancer. While he is recovering and unable to work they have no income. I have been given permission to post and ask for support if you are able and so moved. If you are able to help you may make a contribution to their YouCaring Fund.

No, I don’t know them personally. However, I am a retired social worker and have “just a little bit” of experience in assessing character. Princess Ava and Mia bring me enormous joy every day with their posts. I still have such fond memories of their Olympics a few years ago. Watching Ava run down the snow tunnel was so exciting and I watched it over and over. Princess Ava Bisou has 6,292 followers. Mia Bryant Beddard has 4037 followers. I know that many of us follow them both, but that is still a heap of people. Imagine how much difference we can make in their lives with just a tiny bit of effort in their time of need. For instance if every one of us (conservatively 6, 292 people) each gave just $1.00 there would be $6, 292.00. Or if we each gave $5.00 there would be $31,460. OMD OMD, OMD!!! Or as Princess Ava Bisou says, Wow Wee, yippee skippee.

Do the math any way you want, but please consider helping them out. I know there is no tax deduction for this, but seriously, how many of us will miss $5.00 next week? Thanks for any consideration for helping this precious family in their time of need. Sincerely, Beth Leatherman Harwell

Helping the Family of Harley’s Human Sister

Harley’s human sister (Rudi and Dan’s oldest daughter) lost her life to depression.  Here is how a friend of the family described Samantha.


My name is Mary and I am a friend of Harley’s family. They’ve asked me to let you know they are keenly aware of the outpouring of love and support from Harley’s friends over the loss of their daughter Samantha. Your thoughts, prayers and kind expressions of sympathy mean more to them than you can imagine.

Suffice it to say, this is a time of immense and unbearable sadness for the Taylor family. Samantha suffered with depression her entire life and, during the last 3 years, also suffered with a crippling illness called Dystonia. In spite of these difficulties, she fought hard to enjoy her life and make every birthday, holiday and Christmas count for her children … and let them know they were loved beyond measure.

Sam touched so many lives in such amazing ways. Always there for those in need, she created fundraisers for people she didn’t even know, took people into her home when floods swept through the area, and had great compassion for the homeless. She always kept food, water and other supplies in her car to distribute at a moment’s notice. Sam was creative, funny, and just plain amazing. She loved her children and family more than anything … and, of course, she loved her dogs. In fact, when she adopted her beloved dog Lolo last year, she went to the shelter and asked for the most unadoptable dog they had. Out came a 14-year-old Husky mix who had been discarded by the only family she’d ever known … and she became a cherished member of Sam’s family.

Many of you have asked how you can help. A fundraiser has been established to help Sam’s children in the days and months ahead. Her husband, Aaron, is a self-employed carpenter who has already been facing challenges during these difficult economic times. If you so desire, please click on this link and contribute what you are able … no amount is too small:

 Finally, I know the question remains, “How is Harley doing through all of this?” Harley is doing great and the vet was pleased with his test results, including the biopsy that was done 10 days ago … so all is well. He is surrounded by family and enveloped in love, as are Olive, Riley, Cricket, and Stella. There is no shortage of laps and love.

Sam is missed terribly and has left an indescribable hole in the lives of all who knew and loved her. On behalf of the entire Taylor family, thank you from the bottoms of their hearts. You are a true blessing to them during this unspeakable time. heart emoticon


You see folks, it’s about a lot more than the fact that I love Facebook Pet Pages.  It’s about life & love. Please help Princess Ava Bisou , Mia Bryant Beddard  & Harley

New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Parents

Those Pesky New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, you know what we’re talking about.  The resolve to lose weight, get more organized, exercise more, get on a regular sleep schedule and so on. All those self improvement resolutions.  How’s that been working out for you?  Not so well you say.  Maybe it’s time to incorporate your pets’ needs into your New Year’s resolutions for a new twist. Here are our top 10 New Year’s resolutions for pet parents.

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Parents

  1. Walk with your dog every day. Play games with your cat.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day…..and brush Fido and Fluffy’s’s teeth once a day.
  3. Measure your food…..and measure your pets’ portions too.
  4. Play with your dog and cat every day.
  5. Go to bed at a similar time every night and get up at a similar time every morning.  Your dog will happily serve as your lights out monitor every night and alarm clock every morning.
  6. Keep Spot’s brain active with training a few minutes every day. Keep your own brain active by learning how to positively train your cat and dog.
  7. Practice relaxation habits while brushing your pets’ coats every day.
  8. Disengage from electronics for at least one hour every evening.  That’s a great time to walk with your dog, train your cat or brush their coat or teeth.
  9. A place for everything and everything in its place.  That applies to your “stuff” as well as your pets’ blankets, toys, food bowls and beds. Heck, maybe you can train your dog to put his toys in the toy basket every evening.
  10. Laugh every day at the antics of your pets.

 How These New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Parents Benefit You and Your Pets

If you follow New Year’s resolutions for pet parents,  you and your pets will be more relaxed, healthier and happier.  Exercise benefits all species. Walking your dog (or cat too) provides benefits for physical and mental health, reduces negative behavior and helps with sleep. ( There is nothing better for bonding with your dog than a daily walk.  You will both release endorphins, get your blood flowing, increase strength, burn calories and enhance your brain power. ( )

Our general health overall health is affected by our dental health. ( ).  Just as we need to brush our teeth regularly, out pets need good dental care too. (

It does take practice and patience to introduce teeth brushing, but you will be rewarded with a healthier pet.  Never use human toothpaste, instead purchase toothpaste made for cats and dogs. There are substances in human toothpaste that are harmful to pets if swallowed and our pets don’t know to spit out the toothpaste.



When introducing teeth brushing to your pet, start slow.  Put some pet toothpaste on your finger and allow your pet to lick it off.  The next day put some pet toothpaste on a piece of gauze or pet toothbrush and allow your pet to lick the toothpaste.  Continue with this until your pet appears eager to get a taste of toothpaste.  Then you can introduce placing the toothbrush with toothpaste on the outside of your pet’s teeth. Be sure to go at a pace that is comfortable for your pet.

The best exercise is to use our fingers to push back from the table. That’s far easier if we measure our portions and stick to a nutritionally appropriate and balanced diet. The same thing applies to our pets.  It’s up to us to prevent or treat pet obesity because our pets can’t make these decisions on their own. (

In our connected, go go go world, relaxation and appreciation of nature become even more important.  Take that break from the television, computer or smart phone and truly engage with your dog or cat.  Taking a walk, brushing your pet, playing an active game of fetch or engaging your cat in mind games indoors will rejuvenate all of you. This is an ideal time to incorporate a few minutes of training into your daily routine with your pets. Just be sure to make it fun and positive.  We especially like clickers for the training activities. (

Be sure to laugh every day.  We never tire of watching Luke, Daisy Mae and Trooper’s antics.  We are especially blessed to be able to take care of lots of pets in our pet sitting business and have lots of opportunities for laughter in our daily work.

Luke is obsessed with tennis balls

Luke is obsessed with tennis balls

Jade loves her walks

Jade loves her walks